Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

Xciddose Xhip - Free VST synth                                31st December 2010
Xhip offers "xweet xubtractive xudio xynthesis". With the addition of a second oscillator, a super-saw, two filters, a waveshaper, pairs of modulators (envelopes, and LFOs); features like ringmod, xmod, filter input fm, saturation and global unison, xhip has become far more than its original intention.
Xhip allows you to produce the highest quality dual-oscillator polyphonic synthesizer sounds, similar to classic poly synthesizers of the late '80s. Strings, synth pads, basses, leads, realistic organs and pianos, sound effects and more are demonstrated in the included bank.

  • Software synthesizer, subtractive.
  • Two band limited oscillators (minblep).
  • Ringmod, sync.
  • Real glide.
  • Multimode filter, self oscillation possible, real keyboard tracking.
  • Two envelopes, two low frequency oscillators.
  • Modular modulation.
  • Per-sample modulation and glide.
  • Per-voice distortion with static filter.
  • Quite fast, very high quality.
  • Perfect note logic (mono/low/high/last/poly to 16 voices).
  • Correctly implemented round robin voice stealing, other modes planned.
Download Xciddose Xhip here! 116 kb

Visit: Aciddose 

Freitag, 24. Dezember 2010

Virtual Model Pro - Vst Instrument

Virtual Model Pro - Vst Instrument

  • Monofoniczny syntezator analogowy.
    * 2 VCOs z przebiegami sawtooth, triangle, i pulse (narrow/square) waveforms
    * LFO: Square albo Triangle;
    * VCF: 24 dB/oct lowpass w/ cutoff, emphasis
    * A/D/S envelope; VCA: Attack, Decay, Sustain
    * Klawiatura: no velocity i aftertouch

  • Original Moog Prodigy - Greate Youtube Videos

  • Only for Windows(32bit app)

  • Sonntag, 28. November 2010

    Minipops Junior Emulation - benandersondragon "V-Pops"

    V-Pops (Virtual Pops) is a reconstruction of the classic Minipops Junior and simmilar preset drum machines manufactured in the Mid-1970s, but with V-Pops you are no longer limited to the present sounds and rhythms! Sequence your own rhythms and tweak the sounds to suit your needs. The list of tweakable sounds is as follows:
    • Kick: Volume, Decay, Pitch
    • Snare: Volume, Decay
    • Hi-Hats: Volume, Open Decay, Closed Decay
    • Conga: Volume, Decay
    • Block: Volume
    The drum machine contains three presets to get you started.

    Rythm Master

    Analog drum machine.
    • 10 different "classic" rhythm patterns
    • 7 analog drumsounds
    • 3 soundset presets
    • Midi input for keyboard playing
    • Host and internal sync
    Works with most DAW’s (Cubase, Ableton, Fruity loops, Logic…etc)

    Wanted !!! - GTG 44S

    Old skool analog six voice with a very fat sound. I made it mostly for personal use, but maybe someone likes it too. Please refer to the readme file.
    GTG 44 S special features
    • Filter - The red/green filter switch alternates between two filter types. In the red position cut off and resonance gets steeper and the overall sound becomes warmer/fatter. The switch is useful for either adding fullness to the sound (red) or removing unpleasant artifacts (green), like rumble or distortion, depending on the other filter settings. It also changes the character of the sound when using BP, HP and BR filter settings (note that in some cases you will not hear much difference when switching back and forth this switch, since it depends on the other filter settings.
    • LFO - The LFO’s are different in the way that speed control on LFO 2 when set to maximum key follow and rate can make a sound similar to ring modulation (for bell-like sounds). LFO 1 has a delay function and also modulates filter resonance. The synth has a pitch envelope for Osc 2 so you can make snappy attacks or sync modulated sweeps. There’s a sub-oscillator for deep bass sounds.
    • Vibrato - Vibrato (wheel) adds vibrato to oscillator 2 only. When Sync is on the vibrato therefore will be heard as “frequency modulation” of the sync’ed output instead of the usual pitch vibrato sound (Nice for sweeping pad sounds etc.)
    Developer: GTG Synths

    JP8080 Emulation - Buzzroom "Lallapallooza lite"

    • 3 Oscillators
      (OSC1 have "SuperSAW" wave by 7 SAW waves. 9 Types).
    • 5 Filter Types.
    • 3 LFO (BPMsynced / Manual, LFO3 for ModWheel), 2 Modulations.
    • 2 Envelopes (Amp / Filter), 2 Modulations.
    • Effects (2 pingpongDELAY, Overdrive, EQ).
    • Arpeggiator, Portamento, 8 notes Poly / Mono.
    • MIDI automation

    VLTONE Emulation - Necromare "VL-1 Drum"

    VL-1 Drum VST

    The Casio VL-1 I had one as one of my first keyboards. It wasn't pro or anything but it has an interesting sound. I always like the tink of the drums, so here are the drums only of this odd keyboard that actually came with a calculator. (Casio go figure)

    All sample based.

    Sample source

    Hear a Demo

    Get it Here

    Samstag, 20. November 2010

    Alpha Juno - EFM "Alpha"


    TR 808 & TR 606 Emulation - E-Phonic "Drumatic 3"

    E-Phonic - Drumatic 3

    Drumatic 3
    Drumatic 3 is a virtual-analouge drum synthesizer for Windows. It's a great plugin for emulating TR-808 and TR-606 sounds.

    Drum Sounds: Bassdrum, Snare, Toms ( High/Low ), Clap, Hihats (Closed, Pedal, Open), Rimshot / Sidestick.

    • Graphical envelopes.
    • 6 stereo outputs.
    • Bitcrusher or distortion effect for each sound.
    • Ultra punchy sounds.
    • Load and save single sound presets.
    • Supports Automation.

    Simon Drums Emulation - MaxSynth "Simon"

    Simon Bassdrum screenshot
    Hybrid synth+sample module. The mix fader controls the mix level between the analog (synth) and digital (sample) section.
    The bassdrum is mapped on B0-C1.
    MIDI Controllers:
    · CC#07 Main Volume
    · CC#01 (Mod Wheel) Analog Pitch control

    Simon Drums

    Simon is a drum VSTi inspired by Simmons Drums. I'm not sure at all how close to the original units it is, anyway I'm quite satisfied with the result. The best way to take advantage of these modules is inside a modular environment like EnergyXT, anyway they can be used with any VST host. Three modules are available currently: the bassdrum, the snare drum and the hihat. I hope to find some time to develop also the tom module and an "all in one" version with all the different modules in one single VSTi.
    I want to thanks Mac of BIOnighT for the idea, support and suggestions!

    This VSTi is dedicated to my cat Simon.

    Simon HiHat screenshot
    Hybrid synth+sample module. The mix knob controls the mix level between the analog (synth) and digital (sample) section. The modulation wheel controls the ANALOG pitch (listen to the audio demo).
    The hihat is mapped on F#1, G#1, A#1 (Closed, Pedal and Open).
    MIDI Controllers:
    · CC#07 Main Volume
    · CC#10 Pan
    · CC#01 (Mod Wheel) Analog Pitch control

    Simon Snare screenshot
    Hybrid synth+sample module. The "VAR" button switches on/off an internal LFO which introduces a slightly modulation in the analog and digital pitch parameter to create some variation in the sound to avoid the "gun machine effect".
    The snare drum is mapped on D1-E1.

    MIDI Controllers:
    · CC#07 Main Volume
    · CC#10 Pan
    · CC#01 (Mod Wheel) Analog Pitch control

    Linndrum Emulation - June "JM-1"


    Jun's Factory
    A virtual drum machine with built-in sounds.

    Freitag, 19. November 2010

    ROFL Harris emulation - de la mancha "styrofoam"

    styrofoam      free
    classic analog emulation
    Re-live your childhood pop-star dreams and bask in analog square-wave nostalgia

    HT 700 Emulation - de la macha "plastique"

    plastique      free
    lofi retro synth
    It's retro, it's lofi, it's Casiotastic. Modelled after the waveforms of the Casio HT 700, but adding more features, plastique will do chiptune, lofi and much more besides

    Donnerstag, 18. November 2010


    SH-09 emulation - postdown "SH-09"

    Roland® SH-09 Monosynth Emulation. It comes with a LFO modulator with random step voltage and can be used to modulate the oscillator, the filter, and the pulse width. Also includes an invert switch for the envelope, which can modulate the filter and pulse width, as well as the amplifier. Includes the *.se1 file for end-user modifications.

    JX Emulator - EFM "RJXP"

    Roland JX - Emulator



    JX-3P emulation - Stumm "PG 3P""

    Roland JX-3P emulation

    JP8000 Emulation - Superwave "P8"

    SUPERWAVE P8 is a virtual analog synthesizer emulation of the JP8000 -
    -8 voice poly
    -2 osc (sine, saw, ramp, triangle, pulse, white noise, pink noise)
    -7 waves per voice
    -2 resonant filters (lpf,bpf,hpf)
    -adsr’s for amps and filters
    -2 lfo’s
    -modulation with routing options
    -2 delays
    -midi cc control

    JX3P Emulation - synthtronic "Evol Vst"

    Sounds like 80’ Roland JX3P

    MC 202 Emulation - Syntax "SE202"

    The SE 202 is loosely based on the Roland MC 202.
    The Synth is available with an internal Sequencer or external, the internal version will run inside Audiomulch but cannot be synced to other machines but patterns can be recorded. However the external version should work with Cubase and others

    Odyssey Emulation - EFM "Oddse"

    Alpha 2 Juno - EFM "Alpha Juno"

    Juno - Emulator

    SH-3A Emulation - Ricko "3A"

    Ricko-3A Virtual Analog Synthesizer

    The Ricko-3A is a homage to Roland's® unique mono synth from 1974, the SH-3A.
    It was my first synth as a teenager, modded with a home-made flanger.  I have tried
    to capture and enhance its essense, without dilution: I hope the Ricko-3A will
    give you as much enjoyment as the original gave me. 
    - Rick Jelliffe

    Download and unzip to your VST directory:
    Demonstration: 3A-demo.mp3 ("Exterminate")
    VSTi Synthesizer for Windows

    This program is donationware not freeware. If you use it after trying it out, please pay a donation such as the cost of a CD (say, US $29-95), or send me a bank of presets, or send me some music you made with it. (The PayPal link for donations will return at some stage.)

    CS 60 Emulation - Ricko "CS-80R"

    CS-80R Virtual Analog Synthesizer

    The CS-80R is designed to capture the sound of my beloved old Yamaha� CS-60,
    with various enhancements drawn from the CS-80 and GX-1 designs.

    Yamaha's CS architecture was implemented in four generations of quite different hardware (GX-1, SY-*, CS-*, CS-*m) in the mid '70s to early '80s in many configurations, and more recently in a popular commercial virtual synth. Each has a slightly different sound, though with similar characteristics.
    - Rick Jelliffe

    Download and unzip to your VST directory:�
    Demonstration: Greeting2.mp3 (played with reverb: no vel or aftertouch used)
    VSTi Synthesizer for Windows
    V1.3 01-06-05: presence switch, improved anti-alias, stronger blat
    V1.2 01-05-05: minor emulation improvements-blips and blats
    V1.1 30-04-05: chorus, warmer filters, new ring modulator, clearer GUI text This program is donationware not freeware. If you use it after trying it out, please pay a donation such as the cost of a CD (say, AU $29-95 = US$22), or send me a bank of presets, or send me some music you made with it. Or send a donation to a charity not connected with you.

    Pro Six Emulation - Easy "pro six"

    easy-pro-six Freeware


    3 Oscilators - 6 waves - tuning 5 okt - Low-Band-Pass-Filter - LFO - 6 waves
    A-D-EG > Cutoff - FM Osc1 > Cutoff - Flanger - Overdrive 2 sync delays
    2 pan-lfo´s - 48 Presets - 6 voices
    - Analog-drift ... and more ...

    easy-pro-six at 4 share


    mirror at

    TB 303 Emulation - Easy "tb3X"

    easy-tb 3X Freeware


    An adaption (not a real Emulation) of an "old acquaintance"
    with the following functions:   2 X 8 waveforms - Tuning
    - A-D-EG - EG-Amount - Overdrive - Ringmodulation - Delay
    - 1-8 Step-Sequencer - Monophon - 16 User-patches
    New Version with 8-Stepbuttons > Cutoff

    easy-tb-3X at 4 share


    mirror at

    PolySix Emulation - EFM "KP6"

    Jupiter 6 Emulation - EFM "Jup6"

    Jupiter Emulation - GTG "JP1"

    GTG JP-1. Download.

    Juno 106 Emulation - GTG "kwop 7"

    GTG kwop 7 : By request of users an analog synth with a look that reminds of old hardware synths. Very warm and fat sound.

    Retro Orgel Emulation - B8 Organ

    After some testing I am releasing B8 Organ, a VSTi emulation of an Organ.
    It's not a B3, not even a fact it's a B8!
    Pun name in Italian: the number "8" in italian is pronounced "otto", so B8 could be read as "BOTTO" (chich means "bang") or "BIOTTO" (which in some italian dialects means "naked")
     B8 Screenshot
    DOWNLOAD: and copy to your VST folder
    It's basically a reproduction of the old organs of the 60's-70's.
    It has 9 oscillators, switchable between sine and saw wave, with drawbars, vibrato, chorus and reverb
    Sine waves results in tones typical of a church organ, or hammond-type sounds.
    Saw waves sound more like old combo organs, like Farfisas, Davoli, Crumar, for examlple.
    Please report any bugs or malfunctioning using the "contact me" form.
    Made with SynthMaker (thanks to Benjamin for help in code optimization, Hernst Hot for the presetmanager  and Angular Momentum for the Knob desing)

    Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

    YM2151 Emulation - Sam "VOPM"

    VOPM is an emulation of the Yamaha YM2151 (OPM) 4 operator FM sound chip.
    OPM chip was popular in the 1980s and early 1990s. Videogame fans will most likely be familiar with the Sega Genesis (Megadrive), whose sound chip is a slight variation on the OPM - the OPN. The chip has also been used in countless arcade games including Paperboy, Outrun, Metal Slugs 1-5, and Street Fighter II.
    • Yamaha YM2151 (OPM) 4 operator FM sound chip emulation.
    • Supports MIDI CCs.
    VOPM doesn't offer any effects like reverb or delay - just use external plugins.
    The file includes Windows version and patches.
    Developer: Sam

    VLTONE Emulation - Polyvalens "VL1"

    VL1 is a freeware emulator of the world famous classic calculator annex
    mini-synthesizer from the eigthies made by Casio.
    VL1 is not just a sample player, it is a real emulator that emulates the original hardware.
    All sounds are generated by software equivalents of the original circuits and the calculator
    actually works. This also means that ADSR sound programming is fully functional!
    VL1 was written in honour of Casio's little VL-TONE that has given me many hours of
    pleasure and fun.

    TB 303 Emulation - TDAi "XT 303 Bass line"

    - 1 Voice monophon
    - 1 Sawtooth Oscillator
    - 1 Square Oscillator
    - Coarse with a range of 7 octaves
    - Phase setting for each oscillator
    - ADSR Envelope (VCA)
    - ADSR Envelope (VCF), mix controlled by note velocity
    - Lowpass Filter
    - Master-Volume

    TB 303 Emulation - -Unbekannt- "303-Alpha"

    VCO 2 wave shapes (Saw, Pulse), steplessly cross fade, 24 db Lopass Filter, 2 ADSR Envelopes, Filter ADSR switchable of positive too negative, Delay.

    TB 303 Emulation - -Unbekannt- "TB303"

    This synth was a collaborative effort produced by the SynthMaker forum members. It's an emulation of the popular Roland TB-303 synth. This has a single oscillator (sawtooth or square) wave and use a simple envelope generator with  decay control only. There's also a low pass filter is also with -18 dB per octave attenuation.

    TB 303 Emulation - L-Day "Bass-Crunsher"

    Monophonic 303 Bassline Synthesizer .
    Basscruncher features
    • Monophonic Synthesizer.
    • 1 OSC (saw/pulse waveform).
    • 1 LP Filter with 303 like Resonance.
    • Filter Stepsequencer with 16 steps.

    TB 303 Emulation - EVM "Bassline"

    Multimode filter with resonance
    Envelope trigger/gating
    Monophonic/Duophonic modes
    Variable glide